So, what's this all about then?
It’s simple really, I love to watch movies, I love to talk movies, I love to critique movies, I love to debate movies.
I love movies.
That being said, I’ve nowhere to shout to the rooftops about cinematic goodness, so the reason for WIWT existing is for me to review and talk movies, and share my thoughts with the world. I’ve always thought the great thing about movies (as with all art) is that they are subjective – stories created that divide opinion, generate conversations in all corners of the internet (and the real world…), incite emotions, provide a platform to immerse yourself for a few short hours and probably end a few friendships/relationships and create new ones also – movies deliver a different experience for every viewer, and that to me is incredible.
I still remember my first cinema experience, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secrets of the Ooze at an Odeon in Bracknell, UK, and really since then, I have loved watching movies and the escapism they provide. I genuinely believed that my heroes in a half-shell were actually behind the screen throughout the movie and the magic of the movies has remained ever since.
Founded in 2016, WIWT provides honest critical reviews backed by a real love of cinema. As of 2018, I have been Tomatometer-approved over at Rotten Tomatoes, and in 2022 I was accepted as a member of the UK Film Critics Association and International Film Society Critics Assocation.
As well as regular reviews, I always enjoy curating and releasing year-end lists and covering Oscars season. Awards season isn't for everyone, but, me? I love it. The build up, the big night...chef's kiss. However, the real awards lie in the annual BAMPie Awards...
You can hear my reviews weekly on the Bloody Awesome Movie Podcast with my good buddy Jon Berk, and, if you like Star Wars then check out Star Wars Sessions where I shoot the galactic breeze with my spicy friend Luke Bligh. It's the best Star Wars content this side of the galaxy far, far away.
Reviews aren’t to be taken personally, and opinions and comments are always welcome. Head to the Contact page for all the ways to talk movies!
I hope you enjoy What I Watched Tonight.